Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I Just Hurt My Brain

While setting up the new website, I notice that PPLD's Web Picks had categories for almost everything. I was initially just going to link to Web Picks, but realizing how huge and encompassing the resource is made me want to incorporate it into Drupal on the initial release of the redesign. We were planning to incorporate it eventually, but I think the website will be so much more robust if we add it right off the bat. It's a huge undertaking on an already huge project, but I think it will be worth it.

Another really cool feature would be to include databases in their related pages. Which means I have to think in terms of taxonomy. Would it be better to have one subject guide taxonomy and one resource type taxonomy? Or should I keep the taxonomies for Web Picks and Research separate?

What's more, should I turn the database categories in Research to subject guides? That way it could include databases, recommended websites, AND catalog searches. If so, how do I handle that taxonomy?

My initial reaction is to make a taxonomy for the Research categories (subject guides), a taxonomy for Web Picks (recommended websites), and a taxonomy for resource type (database, website, catalog search, book title, etc). Yeah. That's it, I think.


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